Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Glorious Reunion!

This has been one fantastic week thus far!

Monday: Spent some quality time watching a movie with my dad which was fun, and saw the new fancy car he bought. Which is a pretty hot car, so props to him for that. Then that night I had my date with Alan. Fantastic. 'Nuf said.

Tuesday: My first day of work! I have found some of my babies that I had to leave last summer to go back to school. Kenny, Ella, and Carolyn are all in Butterfly room now and they are soooo big! It was actually really amazing to see them again. Plus all of the girls I worked with are still there, and Shelly is pregnant!! She's having a baby girl in a few weeks, which is so thrilling because she really wanted to start her family last summer.

Wednesday: Family reunion!!! By this of course I mean I got to see Kyle and Kate Kloster my sistor! Having them around again is such a wonderful thing. I always have a blast just sitting around with them. We watched some TV and ate an entire pizza in record time, which may have been a mistake, but a delicious mistake. I missed mocking Kyle with Kate, and I missed Kyle hugs. They are like home on some level.

I baked a cake today with caramel frosting, and it is delicious. I felt very Susie Homemaker.
I'm working again Friday in the cuddle bug aka baby room, and am looking forward to it since it is my favorite of the rooms. Although it does mean that i have to learn all new babies, boo.
After a facebook check I'm off to bed. I'm not sure how I get so tired doing nothing, but somehow I do.

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