Sunday, June 29, 2008

Emotastic, apologies.

I thought my car breaking down would result mostly in sympathy for how much this week will suck since I have to hobo my way to class/work, and congratulations in how well I handled the situation considering I have zero prep. in that department.
However, as usual something miserable for me is made into a giant suck-fest by the unsolvable hate between my parents. I'm not entirely sure what it is about bad situations for me that fuels this undying battle between them, but this would be no exception. This is the point where my dad is being unhelpful mostly because he is trying to punish me for not seeing him as often as I should, and my mom is pissed because my dad is being lame. And naturally this always progresses into me learning something fun and twisted about their failed marriage, leading into my questioning my worthwhile existence. These two people should never have been allowed to reproduce with one another.
In my spare time from that little inner monologue I'm trying to find rides.
I am not nice right now, and my desire to be nice is zero.
I need a hug.


Adam said...

I can't hug you, but I can remind you that I love you. I know we haven't been awesome about keeping in touch, but it doesn't mean you're not still the only girl i'd ever really consider marrying.

Kimbo said...

*hug* Hang in there.