Monday, April 14, 2008

New Outlook

When friendships start to fade from what they once were it's always a gray area. It's hard to figure out where you are in the scheme of things. Friendship obligations change, and at the same time certain obligations are always cemented as long as their is communication. It leads me to often be torn between sending the message "screw you and your superior attitude" and "hey, I'm still trying".

In general, I'm trying to be more positive about life. I have changed my outlook and am trying to change the energy that I'm sending out into the world. May sound a little out there, but it's a page out of my daddy's book, and he has been so much happier lately. Thus far it seems to be effective in making me feel less burdened. I would be lying if I said religion wasn't taking part in this light feeling. I've felt more connected in that respect recently.

On a unnecessary and fun note: I want a diet coke!

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