Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Another entertaining blog post for Emily Temple

Emily I'm not sure why you are in my last three blog entries, maybe cause I know you read them. But this blog post is not about you, so I shall get down to the fun stuff.

Friend Mixer 2: Could it have been more fun? Correct answer is clearly no. I loved every minute, except for that god awful Trumen weird video about Real guys. Lame. However, more than made up for with Nightmare and getting to shriek at Maggie. =) Apologies again Mags, I had to do what the Gatekeeper told me to! You guys are just lucky Joanna and Garry won before Alan started screaming. Overall, a very very fun and amazing friend mixer. We need to continue these next year, cause I will literally be devastated if I lose you all. This may seem sappy, but I tend to get sappy at the end of the year, I feel really fortunate to have been given the opportunity to get to know all of you from friend mixer. Going to Rachael's St. Pat's party was probably the smartest thing I did all year. I sincerely mean that.

Reading Day: I have decided that I hate economics and the family structure because I do not want to read 30 pages on each. And sociology books shouldn't even be allowed to have a chapter on social change...THAT'S THE POINT OF SOCIOLOGY! On the bright side, I got the best study break ever on my date (?) with Alan. That was an absolutely fantastic time. Damn summer and gray area.

My roommate brought me a muffin...and for some reason that makes me sentimental about leaving WCS 4105 forever. I turn into a big sappy baby at the end of the year. Usually there are ridiculous notes that I write to everyone talking about the year and how much I adore them. So if you get obnoxious facebook messages that are really dorky, and sickeningly sweet...sorry. I kinda do that sometimes. =/

<3 Time for more reading on Gay and Lesbian couples!


maggie maggs said...

I suppose I forgive you for screaming at me, but I may never be able to play Nightmare again. Haha.

Also today we all sat around and talked about how we DEFINITELY need to continue these next year, come hell or high water. So worry not.

Also also, it may just be the end of the year thing + 5 AMness, but I just adore you and I'm gonna miss you like crazy this summer, so you betterrr get on facebook chat and stuff. Haha.


Adam said...

Not just facebook chat, but come here and visist me and Jo and Maggie and Bergenzer!

And if you have any gay and lesbian couple advice, gimme a call. I could totally use a few pointers from a sociological genius like yourself.